My friend, Jenn, snapped this photo last weekend after we took our annual family photos. Joe was listening as I most likely said something absurd and spoke a little too enthusiastically with my hands. But what this picture proves is that Joe never fails to see me, even when I’m being obnoxious which is almost always. And for over thirteen years, he’s looked at me like that. Since I was 19, I’ve felt seen in a way that I hadn’t before he walked into my life on that blind date all those years ago.
My love,
This last year was not an easy one for us. However, as we worked through our individual and collective shit, we became even more confident that we’re in this for the long haul and that we are a team who holds each other accountable to be the best, biggest expression of the best version of ourselves. For each other, for ourselves, and for our three kids. The process has been a humbling one, to say the very least. It’s pushed us both beyond our previously conceived limits and forced us to work harder than we ever have to keep our eyes on the prize and remember why we started this thing all those years ago. We both ultimately— and luckily— decided is that raising our kids, investing in our family, and creating a future with each other is so, so worth every ounce of work it requires of us.
Marriage isn’t always easy and we discovered long ago that it’s not the fairy tale we’re sold as children. But the truth is, Joe, that I love you and I’m so proud to call you my partner. You build me up, you bring balance to my world, and you show me every day what a real man looks like. You’re kind beyond measure, loyal, and always open to growth and new ideas. You love me and our kids with abandon, you check your ego at the door because you believe that we’re a team and you prove it every day. You appreciate my contributions to our home and our family. You admire my creativity even when it is a little too far outside of your comfort zone. You encourage me to follow my dreams and relentlessly remind me of how capable I am when I’m feeling defeated or discouraged. You value fairness and equality, you root for the underdog (unless it’s UNC because we both know that an underdog, they are NOT), you appreciate the little things, and never take life and our good fortunate for granted. You are an impeccably devoted father and our children will never doubt that you’ve got their back, unconditionally and endlessly. Your laugh is infectious and one of my all-time favorite sounds in the world and being witness to you anxiously and obsessively pace while you watch UNC during March Madness every year will forever be my favorite form of free entertainment.
You’re a dream boat, my love. A stubborn, goofy, sexy as hell, sports-obsessed dream boat with a heart of gold and a beard my girlfriends can’t help but swoon over. We’re so lucky you’re ours.
Happy birthday, Joe.
We love you to the moon and back,
Harder than I ever thought it would be. Better, too.