How to parent.
Those three little loaded words are what I obsess over, worry about, and critique myself most hours of the day I spend doing said parenting and often continue long after the parenting portion of the day is done. But very rarely do I arrive at an answer because, as we all know, nobody— parent or not— actually knows what the fuck they’re doing. No matter how hard we try to convince everyone otherwise, we’re all blind, simply throwing darts and just hoping to god that something sticks. But on the rare occasion, like this past Saturday morning, when Mo was faced with worry and fear, instead of allowing her anxiety to win by talking herself out of giving the unfamiliar a shot, Marlo chose to be brave and believe in herself.
“I am going to try something new… And I got this.”
So, no, we don’t always know if our parenting will stick. But on that day, our first born hit a bullseye.